Meetings(Digital Phase)


Objective: Further things to fix and touch up on

Place: E2 Play Design Studio Room

Time: 4.30pm to ?

Background filter can be applied: Sketch notepaper or diffuse glow distant to polish it into cartoony state. Syafiq, if u dun mind, teach fitree the technique Shaun showed us ytd, creating a perfect circle with a clean fill.

As for Jkang's discussion,

G.U.I > Need to be more obvious, put the words lives and boxes under the icons so players actually know what they are for, to keep track of the game itself.

Art Assets > Syafiq, note, Jkang suggested a hue for the deposit boxes, maybe add a glow. Still need to make the highlights in the conveyor belt to be more visual. Said that he wants to see that when he click left, maybe white highlights are shown, click right, right highlights are shown.

Coding > Level 3 Green box needs to shift up, lower conveyor belt forces box to collect it, logic wise, it should not be able to do that. The flicker effect for the sticky conveyor belt needs to be delayed and the box when at the side doesn't flow naturally, it spasms a bit. Boxes too floaty, falling speed needs to be adjusted.

These are the things hopefully can fix by friday. Should have a total of 7 levels:
(3 normal, 3 sticky, 1 cannon)

Goal: Balance and reach 9 levels for the overall game state)

Date: July 24th 2012


Objective: Discuss what to accomplish and present by 4th July

Place: GSS(game study space) room

Time: 4.30pm to ?

List of things to do by wed 4/7/2012:

-> Menu background [ - Top Priority -]
-> Buttons for Menu [ - Top Priority -]
-> For level 1 & 2 Background must be dull in colour so the background does not interfere with the game assets [ - Top Priority -]
-> Background for select level & score Room [ Low Priority ] 
-> Instructions Bubbles [ Low Priority ] 
-> GUI [ Low Priority ]

-> include the 3 levels that is shown by J kang [ - Top Priority -] Picture
-> slower spawn rate for level 1 [ - Top Priority -]
-> Survey 
- (a) Crafting the questions (by JJ )
- (b) conducting the survey (by YC)
-> made the conveyor move faster (visually) [ Low Priority ]

Date: July 2nd 2012


Objective: Show Jeremy Kang our progress and see whether there are any changes needed to be made.

Place: E2 Play Design Studio Room

Time: 5pm to ?

Note: Background does not need to have perspective anymore. Just flat 2D background.
          Revamping our whole game concept. Changing art style to steam punk.

Date: June 26 2012

Meeting (3)
Objective: Meet up with Shaun to finalize concept art drawn by Fitree and Syafiq. Discuss scrum management and priorities with Jeremy Kang as well.

Place: E42D(Shawn), Play Design Studio(Jeremy Kang)

Date:22nd June 2012

Meeting (2) 

Objective: Meet up with shaun to review our progress up till now.



Things to note:

-Change room size to width: 600, height: 700

-Do 20 more art concept for our game, base on the theme:cartoony

-By next meeting with shaun, we have to show our sketches and doodles of how our conveyor, background, buttons etc look like.

-Need to do scrum/change logs of each department for example, art, programming, More details are shown on paper, will bring tomorrow so can scan and put it inside the blog.

-Game needs to be balanced

Date:June 13th 2012

Meeting (1)

Objective: Meet up and discuss plans for next week. Compile what has been done, what to do next.

Place: Library first floor near the GSS

Time:10am to ?

Date: June 8th 2012

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